Isaiah 54:13

"And all thy children shall be taught of The Lord;

 and great shall be the peace of thy children."  

That peace can only come if it first abides in the

heart of the parents !  Only children who are 

instructed in the Words of Scripture and see

these Words lived out in the life of Father and

Mother will have this "great peace" in their hearts !

Even though Parents desire this peace, so very

many did not experience such peace in their

own childhood that it is a real challenge to

experience that ideal as expressed in the

Word's of Jesus in their own marriage and 

pass it on to their children.  My own Parents

were very good parents, but as with 99 %

of us there is

an inherited demon 



that so often has us under his thumb and

far too often manifests itself in our lives ! 

I have not yet, in all my 71 years met that 1%

who did not have to contend with this demon !

Yes, I have not always set a good example of 

patience which brings peace to all in the home

or to others with whom we work or those we

come in contact with each day.

Thanks be to Our Merciful God for His promises

of forgiveness and cleansing through the 

precious blood and Righteousness of Jesus !

Following the instruction of Jesus in Matthew 18th

chapter will bring peace to the hearts of those 

we have wronged and peace in our own hearts

because the Spirit of Peace comes to seal the

confession and repentance bringing the

peace of Jesus to our hearts !

Another Scripture says:

Psalm 119:165

"Great peace have they which love 

Thy Law

         and nothing shall offend them."  

To teach our children the beauty and sacred 

principles of God's Law is the most important

duty and privilege of parents.

A Mother of four and a travelling speaker

and teacher of The Bible principles and author

of many books on these subjects affecting

the life of all Christians in every facet, wrote

the following regarding "peace and quietness"

in the Home.

Chap. Fourteen - Quietness, Respect, and Reverence

     Repress Undue Noise and Turbulence.--

"Let not a mother allow her mind to be occupied 
with too many things. . . . With the greatest 
diligence and the closest watchfulness she must
 care for the little ones who, if allowed, will follow 
every impulse springing out of the fullness of their unpracticed, ignorant hearts. In their exuberance 
of spirit they will give utterance to noise and 
turbulence in the home. This should be checked. 
Children will be just as happy if they are educated 
not to do these things. They are to be taught that 
 when visitors come, they are to be
 quiet and respectful."  {CG 97.1} 
     Let Quietness Reign in the Home.--

"Fathers and mothers, . . . teach your children that they must be subordinate to law. Do not allow them to think that because they are children, it is their privilege to 
make all the noise they wish in the house. Wise 
rules and regulations must be made and enforced,
 that the beauty of the home life may not be spoiled". 
 {CG 97.2}
     "Parents do their children great wrong when 
they allow them to scream and cry. They should
 not be allowed to be careless and boisterous. 
If these objectionable traits of character are not 
 checked in their early years, the children will 
take them with them, strengthened and developed, 
into religious and business life. Children will
 be just as happy if they are taught 
to be quiet in the house."  
{CG 97.3} 

Teach Respect for Experienced Judgment.--

"Children should be taught to respect experienced judgment. They should be so educated that their
minds will be united with the minds of their 
parents and teachers, and so instructed that 
they can see the propriety of heeding their counsel. 
Then when they go forth from the guiding hand, their characters will not be like the reed trembling in the wind."  {CG 98.1}
     Parental Laxness Encourages Disrespect.--

"If in their own homes children are allowed to be disrespectful, disobedient, unthankful, and peevish, 
their sins lie at the door of their parents.  {CG 98.2} 
     The mother . . . is to rule her household wisely,
 in the dignity of her motherhood. Her influence in the home is to be paramount; her word, law. If she is a Christian, under God's control, she will command 
the respect of her children. Tell your children 
exactly what you require of them.  {CG 98.3} 
     When parents do not maintain their authority, 
when the children go to school, they have no 
particular respect for the teachers or principal 
of the school. The reverence and respect that 
they should have, they were never taught to 
have at home. Father and mother were on 
the same level with the children."  {CG 98.4} 
     Results of Unchecked Impertinence.--

"Show respect for your children, and 
do not allow them to speak one disrespectful 
word to you."  {CG 98.5}