Once again the holiday season of

Christ's Birth is near.  What should

we do as Christians, knowing that

December 25, is in reality the birth

of the pagan god, Tamuz and not

Christ Jesus, the True God and

Saviour of the world ?

I will share with you how my family

view this season celebrated world

wide by people of many different

religions and cultures.

First of all, even though it is pagan

at it's source, we have found that

it is the one time in the year when

the whole world is reminded that

an event did take place in a far

away village called Bethlehem, which

has effected the whole course of

history and that a large part of the

world is governed in time by the

birth of the Christian Messiah !  Like it

or not the whole heathen world is

reminded of the birth of Christ ! 

Also, we find that we can give a 

card to family and friends depicting

this event, and they will not be 

offended that you are pushing your

religion on them but the true spirit

of Christ's birth, the spirit of giving

and sending greetings of joy is felt

by even unbelievers !

One of the joyful aspects of the season

is also the getting together of Family

and Friends made possible because

most of them will have some time

off from work in which to sit down

together for a special meal prepared

by several of the ladies from each

home !  Sharing some simple gifts

as tokens of the love we have for

each other.

We believe we should not let the devil

steal the whole time but give him

serious competition exposing his

lies and gently bringing seeds of Truth.

We love to sing the many beautiful

hymns and songs uplifting the Christ

Child and Christ the Saviour of

the world !

And let us not forget to give a gift to

Jesus in offerings for the poor

and the proclamation of the message

of Christ's love for every  sinner.

Glory to God in the highest,


on earth, peace to all people !

We love to sing with the Angelic

Choir who still sing the glorious

song they sang that special night

while the Shepherds were watching

over their sheep !

"What matchless love Jesus has manifested for a fallen world! If angels sang because the Saviour was born in Bethlehem, shall not our hearts echo the glad strain, Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will to men? Although we do not know the exact day of Christ's birth, we would honor the sacred event. May the Lord forbid that any one should be so narrow minded as to overlook the event because there is an uncertainty in regard to the exact time. Let us do what we can to fasten the minds of the children upon those things which are precious to everyone who loves Jesus. Let us teach them how Jesus came into the world to bring hope, comfort, peace, and happiness to all. . . . Let the hearts of all respond with exceeding joy for the priceless gift of the Son of God.--Review and Herald, Dec. 17, 1889.  {TDG 360.4} 

Heavenly Music


Rich & Joyce