Some of our Dear Family tell us that we are not in "the church"
because only the General Conference is "the church".
A sad deception as these statements will show.
Many times you have sent this 

statement to us saying that
our work for Christ was not of God 

 because we were not under
the control of the General Conference.  

 We need to  understand
who are the "independent atoms" and 

should all work be under
the control of the General Conference.  

 What does The Lord say ?
Was The Madison School, led by 

Sutherland and Magan classed by
God AS an, "independent atom" ?  

No, absolutely not, Ellen White
was instructed by  The Lord that It 

should not be under the control
of the General Conference She said, 

" It is not wise for every working
agency to be under the dictation of conference officers."

So obviously, the General Conference has been interpreting
this "independent atom" statement "incorrectly" by telling the
people that it is wrong to have an "independent ministry" that
the General Conference does not control !
God also said it was wrong for the General Conference
to refuse financial help to this "independent school" just
because the General Conference did not control it !
Br. Sutherland and Br. Percy Magan 

also raised up churches
and other schools that were not controlled by the
General Conference.
Did God class them as, "independent atoms" ?
No, God said, "There are some enterprises under certain
conditions, will produce better results if standing alone" !
Further Ellen White  said :
They were not under control of the
General Conference
But, blessed by God  and chosen by God to do a work
"separate fromThe General Conference
as an important part of Christ's Church  !
Here is another "independent ministry" in Ellen White's  time,
notice again what God  said :

   calls for church members to not wait for the
General Conference
but to go to work for Christ and they will win souls to

and will be blessed by Him  

as part of the Church of Christ

and "laborers together with    God  " !

What about the work of 

Edson White

Sister White's Son  ?

Edson's  ministry was not under the control of
The General Conference.  But God told Ellen White that,
"The angel's of The Lord will go before him".
But The General Conference would consider him to be,
"out of line" because they could not control his work !
But Sister White said;  "But many ought to be 

out of the lines
that have been maintained to be the regular routine."
In  other words, many more need to began to work for
The Lord in saving souls without being under the control
of The General Conference !  Then she gave the
General Conference
a stern warning   because  of their attitude towards the
independent ministries they could not control, she said;
"unless they themselves come into line, they will say,
"the temple of the lord, the temple of the Lord are we".
Unless that temple is purified, cleansed, sanctified, God
will  not give them His Presence

In the temple of which they boast."
It is the same today, those who tell us that only the,
General Conference
is the church, and if we are not working with the 
General Conference
and are not under their control, we are not a part of
 Christ's Church  !
That attitude is incorrect and against  

The Lord's  instruction !

Then God's Messenger  further warned 
The General Conference Brethren    
"Those who should have rejoiced to see something done,
were determined to give no recognition to Edson White
or the work, because he did not work in the regular lines.
God has presented before you, how He
regarded the regular lines.
The regular lines, had need to be broken
as a potter's vessel is broken and reconstructed !"

It was the General Conference who was
"out of line"
not Edson White !
So those who would tell us we need to be directly
connected with the General Conference are the
"independent atoms"
who like the Jews, cry;
"The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are we" !
and not those who can not stomach
the abominations "in the church"
and the fellowship of the General Conference with
the agencies of Satan !
Those who, believe and keep The Commandments of God
because they love Jesus, and believe and teach the
 Messages of The Three Angels
And "expose the wickedness of the man of sin",
boldly proclaim the
Pope is The Antichrist,
 The Church of Jesus Christ  !
God Bless & Keep You !
 Rich & Joyce
Credit to;   for these quotes.